Connection is insecure - SSL certificate issue

First you need to check whether SSL certificate is installed in your hosting account.  You can buy SSL certificate or can use Free SSL certificate provided to you aloing with TVMSERVER hosting accounts.

To Check SSL certificate is installed or not, login to Cpanel, click SSL/TLS status and you can view a Green mark beside all your domains / sub domains.  If it is showing Red mark, then SSL certificate is not installed. You can install the Free SSL certificate from this page itself by clicking "Run AUTOSSL" button.  Before doing this make sure that the domain name is pointed to this server.

If you have a secure certificate (SSL) on your website, you can try running https://your_domainname to verify your website contents uploaded are also SSL compatible. To automatically redirect visitors to the secured (HTTPS) connection, you can enable "Force HTTPS" switch in Cpanel under Domain link.

If you need further informations, please open a support ticket from your client area.


  • ssl certificate, secured, connection is insecure, AutoSSL, Free SSL certificate
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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